10 Tools to Build an Email Marketing List Fast

10 Tools to Build an Email Marketing List Fast

6. Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads Email Marketing Tool

Set Up Your Facebook Fan Page To Create Ads

Another great PPC advertising platform that you can use is Facebook. With Facebook, you don’t have to build a list of keywords to target. Instead you build ads that target certain interests or demographics. You’re also not limited to creating text ads, since you can use images and video to compel people to visit your website.

In order to build Facebook ads, you need to create a Facebook Fan Page for your business or website. Once you’ve created a Fan Page, you’re able to turn business Facebook posts into ads that are promoted in people’s news feeds.

The goal of your ad is the same for Facebook as it is for Google – essentially you want people to click on your ad and sign up for your email list because of your squeeze page or lead magnet. You can set up tracking pixels on the thank you page your website to determine how successful your Facebook ad is at growing your subscriber base.

There are negatives and positives to using either platform. When you create a Facebook ad, you’re pushing advertising content to people. Basically, you’re making assumptions that the person who sees the ad is interested in what you have to offer, even if that isn’t the case.

Facebook Ads 10 Email Marketing Tools

An example of an ad on Facebook

The positive is that people on Facebook are responsive to the right offer, if you target the correct demographics and interests of people to promote your ad to. You’ll have much more control over who sees your content with Facebook, since they’re so good at collecting private information about people.

With Google AdWords, you know that people are actively looking for more information about your search terms. It is however more difficult to make a genuine connection with someone by only using text. With Facebook ads you can showcase your products and services in video, which is highly engaging form of advertising.

It’s suggested that you try both platforms and see which one brings you more email subscribers for the lowest price. Try text ads, ads with images, and video ads on Facebook, and see which one works better. Just like with Google AdWords, start with a low price then scale up on the ads that lead to email subscribers. Test different content, images, and videos to see what impacts your bottom line. Ideally, you’ll want to advertise on both websites if you have the budget and they’re both successfully building your list.

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